Category Archives: Species

Wildlife Justice Commission

Came across this today, seems like a good step and reflects well on our perceived need for an International Environmental Criminal Court (IECC). Its intent to go after the higher levels of organised crime are indeed risky, and will open the operatives up to attack. Note that the WJC will have no powers ~ either to compel or to prosecute ~ and hopes to use ‘public outrage’ to shame governments into acting! The article’s final three paragraphs explain much … and are the same issues as for the IECC. The need to have such court is right now ~ otherwise biodiversity loss will just continue unabated ~ but the process of establishing one will be furiously resisted on many levels.

Finally, I wonder if there is a link between Mozambique and Macau ~ both former Portuguese colonies ~ with the former providing the export gateway, and Macau as the import route to Asia? Should be one for us to watch 🙂

Update on background extinction rates

There are several similar articles available today, but I like this one. In the first paragraph there is a link to another Guardian piece, from that one you can download the science paper itself. The authors have been conservative in their study, so probably things will actually be worse than this. 🙁

Another important e-petition asking for help

They only need a few thousand more signatures for this to go to Obama. Any help welcome, thanks. If you are unfamiliar with the impacts of such things take a look at Vieques in Puerto Rico. Michael

Zambia to lift ban hunting on big cats - Brendan Raisbeck, Alamy

Wildlife trophy hunting!

: Zambia to lift ban hunting on big cats - Brendan Raisbeck, Alamy

This will no doubt raise passions on both sides of the fence as it always does. Anyway I’d like us to think about it, and to provide underpinning evidence to support each argument. Please think deeply about it. Thanks, Mike 🙂

Ortolan bunting - Roger Tidman, Corbis

Europe’s birds

: Ortolan bunting - Roger Tidman, Corbis

Early warning here. I imagine the report itself, once released, will be illuminating. There are several other links off the Guardian article below.

Association of Journalists and Writers for nature and ecology

Pangolin campaign shared on JNE’s fb public group

: Association of Journalists and Writers for nature and ecology

A big thank you for Marie Paule and Laurent Samuel for sharing our Pangolin campaign on the fb group of JNE: “Association des journalistes et écrivains pour la nature et l’écologie” (Association of Journalists and Writers for nature and ecology)

Since Marie first shared our page on her fb, two days ago, 10 person signed our petition, 7 of them already confirmed their signature as well.

More importantly, this is the first time – I am aware of – when anything from our website has been shared on a social media portal independently from us.

For those of you who are not on fb here how it’s look like there:

JNE Public fb group: Pangolin campaign shared

JNE Public fb group: Pangolin campaign shared