Three weeks to Paris

I noticed yesterday that about 80 poor countries may not agree to any deal, unless the rich countries (& largest polluters) contribute funds to help these undeveloped and smaller states.

Paris meeting

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About Michael White

Marine Zoologist specialising in endangered species and remote atoll research. I use modern science and Ethnozoology to provide culturally meaningful conservation projects, with a special focus on the sustainable use of natural resources and food sovereignty. "Tread gently on the Earth"

29 thoughts on “Three weeks to Paris

  1. Krishnan Srinivasan

    Big brothers do what they want , underprivileged don’t get what they need. Nothing new!. CC will devour small insular nations. The nasty dictation to these countries is: “when rape is inevitable, lie down and enjoy “. Humans only dig their own grave.

  2. Venkatasamy Rama Krishna

    The saying that the poor are voiceless holds true. But what is being ignored all the time is that the so called poor, or developing countries, have throughout the ages contribute heavily to the riches of the developed countries, and continue to do so.
    However, I feel that by only asking for financial inputs developing countries have also failed to have a voice to create the impact they could have on COP21 and climate.

  3. Michael White Post author

    Thanks Krishnan & Ven. Actually Cook Islands is going to say we are well on track to being enitrely solar by 2020; and also present our post-2020 plans. I think some of the others are doing so too. Mike

    1. Michael White Post author

      Thanks Ven. I also considered whether it was orchestrated at the behest of the fossil-fuel lobby? That’s not as bizarre as it sounds given that the first thing all these occupying powers do is to grab the oil wells and refineries. Think Cheney and Halliburton for example.

      The single thing that would make the biggest difference to our planet is to prohibit all wars immediately. Aircraft emissions immediately fall by 25%; bombs, bullets and missile explosions collapse. Millions of litres of fuel are saved by tanks, jeeps etc. Very simple actually. Refugees could stay at home, money diverted to clean water and abundant food supplies. Emergency medical teams could focus on natural disasters; MSF wouldn’t get bombed.

      Who has most to lose by limiting the carbon intensive consumer world? A dream or a new reality? Mike πŸ™‚

  4. Venkatasamy Rama Krishna

    I would say anything is possible Mike. Although I tend to think lobbyist would not go that far, but they have been much much further than that if we consider the number of people killed by Big Oil and Big Coal.
    You are obviously portraying an idealised situation, but I am afraid we have moved too far away from that. The USA is moving towards Corporate governance, and so is the EU. Others will have to either bend to the wishes of those with the power (money), or be isolated and starve.

    1. Michael White Post author

      Thanks Ven, your last point was in my musings this afternoon too. Trans-Atlantic Trade pacts, Trans-Pacific Trade pact, CIS and various other Asian pacts; South America … and now Malcolm Turnbull arranging Free Trade talks between Australia and EU due in 2017. It would only take a couple of minor cross-couplings and we’d have a ‘global free trade’ system for all countries and peoples πŸ™‚

    1. Janos

      When I have heard about the terrorist attacks in Paris, my first thought came to my mind was: “Isn’t it interesting, that though France is not the country leading air strikes against ISIS, still the attack happened in Paris, just 3 weeks before the Climate meeting. So there will be a ‘State of Emergency’, no public gathering, no public gathering for supporters.”

  5. Venkatasamy Rama Krishna

    The “World Shadow Government?” Most people may tend to think there is no such thing, but judging from the way politicians around the world are behaving like puppets, with the strings being pulled by some invisible powers, then obviously we are into the era of Corporate Governance.
    The Paris bombings appear to be more of a disruptive action than one of retaliation. Is it possible that those who wish to control the world would now resort to terrorism?

    1. Michael White Post author

      Thanks Ven, I don’t believe everything I read obviously, but indeed they do seem to act in concert ~ look who attends the Bilderberg Group for example.

      As far as political terrorism is concerned, then yes they do ~ and have done so throughout the ages. What have become known around the world as ‘false flag events’, or ‘black ops’ by US government are very well documented. There is so much evidence to show that the World Trade Centre attack was done by the CIA and Mossad it is hard to dispute. Have you ever seen the presentations by the architects and demolition experts about how the two towers collapsed? One of our greatest problems is most of the media is controlled by this same group of power-brokers, who decide what we get to read and their spin on it. Murdoch, Berlusconi etc. I doubt we’ll see the truth ever. Mike

  6. Venkatasamy Rama Krishna

    Thanks for so much info Mike. Enough to make us think for the next decade or so. But from all such reports coming one cannot just throw them into the bin as being fictions of the imaginations of some. Careful analysis may show the hidden agendas and secrets of many. Gaining world control, through any means, appear to be the objective of a few.
    This is were we are powerless and can only be mute spectators.

  7. Michael White Post author

    As predicted the French Government has banned various outdoor activities including protest marches ~ following the likely false flag bombings in Paris last week. Naomi Klein’s article leaves little to the imagination Mike πŸ™

    And a request from the banned march’s organisers:

      1. Michael White Post author

        Not sure, but I saw on another item that the gigantic array in Morocco may be partially online next month too. Things certainly moving quickly. Apart from in England where they are going back to the Victorian coal age πŸ™

  8. Janos

    Two weeks after the Paris climate agreement I can observe that the mainstream media celebrate the result as ‘historical’. I wonder if there are anything at all to celebrate?

  9. Michael White Post author

    Yes Janos I’m curious too. I followed it quite closely and read the agreed document (Paris 12th December 2015). In my background research I discovered that the USA ~ who are now proclaiming themselves as the world leaders in combatting climate change ~ had forced through an exemption to the Kyoto Protocol (1997), which meant they do not have to report bunker fuel (e.g. shipping) or any military usage, including from wars. Seeing as how the US Air Force is the world’s single largest consumer of aviation fuel that makes a mockery of any real data analysis. I’d hoped for some honesty in the Paris Agreement, but it merely says “parties should report all sources of anthropogenic emissions … or else should explain why they didn’t!”

    Once again we wait to see if anything happens or not? Mike

  10. Venkatasamy Rama Krishna

    β€œparties should report all sources of anthropogenic emissions …, ” which is to my mind a mere statement that could have been elaborated further upon but was not. The first major failure of COP21 I suppose. How would these be reported, in what format and at what intervals? We do not have any provision for auditors, and neither is there mention penalties. So I just wonder.

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